Corten steel

Corten steel

Corten steel


Weathering steel, also known as corrosion resistant steel, Corten steel, is a series of low alloy steel between ordinary steel and stainless steel. In natural climate, iron and steel materials form a dense oxide layer between the rust layer and the matrix,thus improving the atmospheric corrosion resistance. Atmospheric corrosion resistance can be 2~5 times of ordinary carbon steel.


"Development History of Corten Steel"

In the early stage of research and development, weathering steel, as an industrial material, has been applied to construction, ship, railway and other fields. US. is the first country to conduct weathering steel research. Corten steel, originating from North America, is widely used in the manufacture of railway cars, containers and Bridges. Although China's research on weathering steel is not very early.But it also has a long history. It is now a major producer and exporter of weathering steel.


Characters of Corten steel

It's special because when exposed to the natural environment. Over time, the surface forms a protective layer against corrosion. No paint protection, material life of more than 80 years.

Corten steel 


Successful Application cases of corten steel

1. Corten Apartment, Italy / 3ndy Studio

2. Seung H-Sang / IROJE Architects & planners

3. US. /Shop architects



13 years, 52 countries, 400 clients in China and world

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#ColdRolledSteel #AluminiumSteel#corten steel 

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